15. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.浅学误人。
16. the bar chart illustrates that...这个柱状图显示了...
17. the figures/statistics show(that)...数据(字)表明...
18. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。
19. Wisdom is more to be envied than riches.知识可羡,胜于财富。
20. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。
21. Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。
22. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到...
23. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。
24. in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998... 1995年至1998三年里...
25. When a language dies out, a whole way of life disappears with it. (表达一种后果的递进)
26. Advertisements give people more choices on what they want to buy, giving rise to the consumer society.(表达一个事物或者原因引发的两个并列结果)
27. the percentage of ...stayed the same between...and... 在..至..期间...的百分比维持不变
28. This is a matter of life and death--a matter no country can afford to ignore.这是一个关系到生死的问题,任何国家都不能忽视。
29. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习。