
王牌特工2摇滚明星艾尔顿唱的什么歌曲 竟是由经典改编而成

发表时间:2020-08-29 栏目: 育儿综合


王牌特工2摇滚明星艾尔顿唱的什么歌曲 竟是由经典改编而成

新海报模仿了上一张暗示柯林·费斯(Colin Firth)的哈里·哈特将在续集中回归的画面,周三夜好开战的文字显然来自约翰的歌曲《周六夜好开战》,伴以约翰招牌式的五角星太阳镜。埃尔顿为照片配的汤米已经是好久以前的事了……指代自己上一个电影角色。

《王牌特工2:黄金圈》由前一部导演马修·沃恩(Matthew Vaughn),主演塔伦·埃格顿(Taron Egerton)将再次扮演特工艾格西,马克·斯特朗(Mark Strong)也继续出演梅林一角。

哈莉·贝瑞(Halle Berry)、佩德罗·帕斯卡(Pedro Pascal)、查宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum)将新加入卡司,朱莉安·摩尔(Julianne Moore)有望出演中心反派,爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特(Edward Holcroft)将在续集回归,至于他是出演新角色还是继续扮演前一部的查理尚不明了。

其实在王牌特工2黄金圈出现的摇滚明星是特别出演,他就是着名的英国歌手Elton John(艾尔顿·约翰),出道这么多年Elton John发行了很多首经典歌曲,还因此取得了很多成就,本次Elton John出现在王牌特工2黄金圈中让人非常惊喜,像是看了一场演唱会的感觉。

能看出Poppy对Elton John真真是真爱粉小迷妹啊,不仅只绑架他这一个名人(对比第一部的大Boss绑架这个绑架那个最后还绑架了公主),大本营(虽然防御值几乎为0但是姑且叫它大本营。。)

王牌特工2摇滚明星艾尔顿唱的什么歌曲 竟是由经典改编而成

里面还充满了Elton梗:不说剧院门上大大写着the bitch's back 和 captain fantastic,连两只机器狗打手的名字都一个叫Bennie一个叫Jet致敬他的歌bennie and the jets。。然后还有saturday night's alright for fighting出现但是把周六改成周三。


Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting歌词介绍

It's getting late ha ve you seen my mates

Ma tell me when the boys get here

It's seven O'clock and I want to rock

王牌特工2摇滚明星艾尔顿唱的什么歌曲 竟是由经典改编而成

Want to get a belly full of beer

My old man's drunker than a barrel full of monkeys

And my old lady she don't care

My sister looks cute in her braces and boots

A handful of grease in her hair

Don't give us none of your aggra vation

We had it with your discipline

Saturday night's alright for fighting

Get a little action in

Get about as oiled as a diesel train

Gonna set this dance alight

'Cause Saturday night's the night I like

Saturday night's alright, alright, alright

Well, they're packed pretty tight in here tonight

I'm looking for a dolly who'll see me right

王牌特工2摇滚明星艾尔顿唱的什么歌曲 竟是由经典改编而成

I may use a little muscle to get what I need

I may sink a little drink and shout out, "She's with me!"

A couple of the sound that I really like

Are the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbike

I'm a juvenile product of the working class

Whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass




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